Someone made a post with a picture of a blonde haired blue eyed child. The title was “Would you slap this child for 88 million dollars?”

I said “Slap!?!?? I would eat that child’s still beating heart for 88 million dollars.”

Next day I log in to find out I had been temp banned for 7 days for sexualization/abuse of a minor.

I uninstalled Reddit. That was 11 days ago and I haven’t been back. Context is important. Obviously, no one is going to offer me 88 million dollars to eat a child’s heart. Not to mention, do you really want to make deals with people that can offer that to you? I mean, I wouldn’t.

All this has led me to realize. I don’t want to be part of a community with no sense of humor.

I would post a link but not only was my comment deleted. The thread was too I think.

  • TheBlue22
    552 years ago

    I got permanently banned for wishing violence upon neo-nazis.

      142 years ago

      Same, funny thing is that the post I said it on did the same thing. Reddit admins are incompetent and inconsistent.

      • TheBlue22
        2 years ago

        So nazis can wish upon deaths of anyone, when I do the same I get banned. Right, got it

        • I didn’t say that: First, I don’t regularly see Nazis on reddit, second, it’s nearly impossible to take the term “Nazi” at face value anymore, especially from pearl-clutching emotionally frantic seeming types such as yourself, third if there were Nazis and they threatened someone, they should be banned. Rules are rules. You don’t get to threaten people…even if you don’t like them. Reddit is terrible, and bans people over nothing, but in your case, you clearly broke (a reasonable) rule and you got banned. The end.

          • TheBlue22
            22 years ago

            Obviously, you won’t see them unless you browse communities that actively harboured them.

            Calling “nazi” impossible to take seriously is pretty funny, given this exact same thing is used by right-tards and “enlightened” centrists, to quickly shut off any conversation and to defend the indefensible

            Call it Nazi, Neo-nazi, far-right, it does not matter. If you harbour racist, transphobic, homophobic or other hateful views, what other response do you want for it? Debating them does not work. They do not argue in good faith. Removing them from the conversation entirely is the way to go. Because surely we talked to the nazis in WW2, right? “UwU, pwease don’t kill any more innocent people.” No.

            If you let the intolerant in your tolerant society, guess what will happen.

            So please, do call me emotionally frantic pearl clutching for not wanting my friends murdered for being gay or trans or black. It honestly says more about you than me.

            • I’m in a minority that Nazis want killed, so don’t lecture me on what is the appropriate course of action. Essentially it seems your argument is “I went looking for Nazis and I found them, then I broke the rules and I want immunity” It doesn’t seem to different from what the Nazis themselves say. Your problem isn’t with fascism, it’s that you aren’t the one at the top of it.

              …and yes, all your wild conjecture about me does seem emotionally frantic and pearl-clutching, and makes you and others like you incredibly hard to take seriously, and so, in fact…I don’t.

                • You want there to be rules…but you want to be exempt from rules based on…?

                  Based on who you think deserves it, solely to your discretion according to what you think about their internet comments

                  …and you already admitted sending threats to someone. sound the EXACT kind of person these rules are meant to protect from. You are not righteous and I stand by my statement that you should have been banned.