The original japanese article.

The last part of the article was cut off. Here what it says, 2035: In most countries, messaging apps (including email clients) are considered “critical applications” that must undergo government approval before publication.

  • Dizzy Devil Ducky
    2 years ago

    Windows dominance is still here for a very long time as you go to any brick and mortar tech store and buy a new desktop/laptop and it’s most certainly not running anything other than windows, with the exception being apple products. I’m also pretty sure most sellers online, unless they specifically state they make their devices specifically with Linux in mind, will by default be shipping Windows only (or macOS for apple).

    Also, the average computer user sure as hell will never switch to Linux because they don’t care.

    • Pons_Aelius
      2 years ago

      There will never be the year of the linux desktop but that is not because windows won but that the PC lost.

      The era of the home PC is over.

      Most people’s first introduction with windows these days is in the work place.

      Windows (and the PC) lost the battle to to be the centre of home entertainment more than a decade ago.

      Sure, it still dominates pc gaming but that is a rounding error when it comes to media consumption.