Getting heated is bad for the heart, after all. But I’ve always had the belief that the worst thing you can be in this world is consciously uninformed, so I wanna stay in the loop.

    152 years ago

    It’s literally that easy.

    On social media if you run I to anyone too crazy, you can just block them, then never run the risk of arguing with them again.

    99.9% you’ll never change anyone’s mind anyways. Rightwingers/fascists/bigots/racists and the rest of their ilk love sea lioning and pretending to be reasonable at first, but they didn’t get to their current positions with logic, and logic won’t get them out of it.

    They’ll claim anything and change at the drop of the hat if a better excuse comes up.

      -182 years ago

      It’s literally that easy.

      No it isn’t.

      Also, I don’t think I will givesomefucks. In, I refuse to give a single fuck.