Sure Todd, lol

    12 years ago

    Games have fear of death the same way films and books do.

    It’s fiction.

    It’s not real.

    We are already aware of this.

    Idk why this needs to be explained to you.

      12 years ago

      Exactly! Now go tell Todd that his game isn’t real and therefor his example “astronauts on the moon weren’t bored although the moon is dull” doesn’t make any sense.

      It’s like you’re getting there without actually ever getting there.

        12 years ago

        Of course it makes sense. That’s just how games work. You’re pretending you’re in space, and even though you aren’t actually running our of oxygen, your character is. You feel tension for your character.

        Y’know playing COD doesn’t mean you’re actually at war, right?

          12 years ago

          And that’s why CoD hasn’t you going on patrol missions for hours and digging trenches or guard duty. A realistic war game would be boring as fuck.

          You know CoD isn’t realistic at all, right?

            12 years ago

            I think you missed the point, lol. Obviously COD isn’t a remotely realistic portrayal of war. You haven’t understood a thing if you seriously thought I was saying that.

            But we weren’t discussing realism of mechanics, rather, realism of environment. And the environments are pretty true to life.

            It’s the mechanics that make a game fun. Not necessarily the environments. Though they of course help. Fun mechanics are what a game is about.

            Such as… survival mechanics!!

              12 years ago

              You mean like a game needs to offer more than dull enviroments to be not boring although the astronauts on the moon didn’t seem to be bored on the dull moon?

                  12 years ago

                  You’re funny, kinda. Sad funny. Maybe it’s just hard for you to remember a few lines back or something.

                  I don’t know why I am arguing with some random internet trollish child. I’ll need to work on that and ignore more.

                    12 years ago

                    I see you tactically ignored the point and instead resorted to juvenile insults. Easier to do and makes you feel good.

                    Look into survival games sometime. They’re fun. Minecraft is a good one.