I just ran Power Delete Suite on all of my comments and self posts, stating they have been removed in protest.

On July 1st, I am deleting every comment and post, then closing my account. Reddit was fun while it lasted.

The fediverse is still raw, but I see massive protentional here, and I am ready for this journey with all of you.

  • Nougat
    02 years ago

    Same, 15+ years, although I don’t yet have a plan to delete my account. There may arise a need to leverage it in some other protestful way.

    • m-p-3
      02 years ago

      Like selling the account to a spammer lol

      • quirzle
        02 years ago

        Hypothetically, if there were a market for 12yr old reddit accounts, where would something like that be? So I can make sure to never go there, being the owner of a 12yr old reddit account myself.

        • DoucheAsaurus
          02 years ago

          As someone with a 10 year old account myself I would also like to know where and who to avoid.