One of five games I had for the Gameboy. I never finished it, but had a lot of fun with it! Lol.

  • Björn Tantau
    12 years ago

    Yes, I loved it! I think I beat it once or twice. The races were especially hard. We would get a pen and use it to quickly alternate between a and b. That seemed to be the best technique. I’ve also installed the game on my Steam Deck, but I don’t want to abuse it like that.

    God, and the boss fight with the werewolf was super hard.

    Funny story, my older brother made me believe that he had an exploit to see the game’s ending. He would press all buttons and then it would show. But every time I tried it it just made the game reboot and show the intro.

    Thing is, that’s what he did as well. I have no idea how I didn’t see that every time he did the “cheat” it would show the same thing as when I tried it. Especially because I knew both the intro and the end. And he confirmed this the other day as well. Guess I was just a very stupid kid.