The top is linen and made with the (free) peppermint wraptop pattern and the shorts are made from a damaged quilt I found at a charity shop. I was also able to make a bag, pair of dungarees, and a hat from this quilt! I did add pockets to the shorts but these patterns didn’t really need any altering. The bag is self drafted, just a slouchy backpack with a fron pocket and drink bottle holders.

  • Foon
    32 years ago

    Super cute! I haven’t sewed anything in about 15 years…but you’re making me want to pick it up again!

    Also can I just say I’m in love with what I can see of your house ❤️

    • WiggletOP
      22 years ago

      Do it!! Get back into sewing and post your makes please 😁

      Thank you 🥰 I love our home. My partner and I built it in 2016

      • Foon
        22 years ago

        That’s amazing, that seems like an intense project. How long did it take you? It must be so nice to live in something you built yourselves.

        • WiggletOP
          32 years ago

          Building the initial shell to a liveable state (waterproof, internal cladding in main living space, plumbing, stove, lights etc) was about 3 months. We’ve done heaps since then though so it’s hard to say how many hours have gone into all the other projects and details. There are still things we want to do so i guess it will never be finished 😂 we love it and it’s really handy knowing how everything goes together so we can fix our own problems.