My wife’s phone dies every. single. day. and I don’t know why she doesn’t just charge it at night.

I’m just wondering how people live like this 😅

    12 years ago

    Keeping Lithium-ion batteries at 100% charge will reduce their lifespan. They want to live in the 40-80% range. I use an app that notifies me when my phone has charged to 80%, so that I can unplug it. It may be overkill, but I plan to use this phone for 9 more years or so.

      12 years ago

      9 more years?? I’ve gotten almost 6 years out of my Oneplus 5T and I’ve been ecstatic about it. It’s literally lasted 3 times longer than any phone I’ve had before it

        12 years ago

        I have a Fairphone, and repairability is one of their main selling points! 9 years is optimistic but shoot for the stars right?

      12 years ago

      They want to live in the 40-80% range.

      Yes, that’s correct but with some extra consideration. There’s two kinds of wear for Li-Ion batteries, shelf life and cycle life. To maximize shelf life you want to store at 40% to %50% charge in a cool environment. To maximize cycle life you want to avoid charging and discharging fully.

      There’s two curves where cycle life and shelf life cross for maximum longevity. For example if you shut off your Li-Ion powered device or remove the battery for long periods, shelf life becomes more significant. Storing at 40% charge in a cool environment will maximize battery life. If you discharge frequently, then keeping the charge cycle shallow will maximize longevity since that’s going to be most significant.

      Honestly it’s complicated to deal with and squeezing all the life you can out of a battery is typically not worth the trouble. Though it’s definitely nice when chargers give you options, most don’t.

      In general Li-Ion batteries are highly desirable for their top tier energy density and that’s why they’re so ubiquitous, but the wear and safety considerations are big disadvantages. The holy grail of battery technology is to eliminate those issues.