• @force@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    wtf kind of cursed programming language is this? JS? it’s so ugly, in no universe should a function look like that

    but obviously as a rust enjoyer i have to do it like

    fn max ⟨T: PartialOrd + Copy⟩(nums: ⁊[T]) -> Option⟨T⟩ {
        let mut greatest: ⁊T = ⁊nums[0];
        match nums.len() {
            0 => None,
            1 => Some(*greatest),
            _ => {
                for num in nums {
                    if num > greatest {
                        greatest = num;

    edit: lemmy formatting REALLY hates references and generics it seems… time to go back to medieval times

    • @Cihta@lemmy.world
      41 year ago

      Wow that’s a very exhausting language. I dropped your code into an online rust to asm converter and it actually wasn’t more! I did try to post it for fun but lemmy kept messing up the code block. Oh well, wasn’t that amusing anyway!

      • @force@lemmy.world
        41 year ago

        lol that’s not actually how rust is written, it was just a joke

        it’d really be written

        if x > y { x } else { y }
        • @Cihta@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          Hah thanks for clarifying. I was joking too and it’s a shame I couldn’t post the results.

          Though I admit i don’t know anything about rust. I’m sure I’d like it better than the proprietary garbage i use now that just gets converted to ASM / PLC code in the end. But I can’t skip the middle man. I’m not gonna try but probably 30mins for me to “write” the above.

          Besides, how do you make money if I can code something in an hour as opposed to 2 days?

            • @Cihta@lemmy.world
              31 year ago

              No no no you misunderstood me.

              I was being honest, I know nothing of rust. I have however used python in embedded systems with positive results. The product didn’t make it but for other reasons.

              Funny you mention java, that’s sorta what I’m stuck in but not like you think. Beyond the fact that it’s a bloated nightmare.

              I’m just a low-level programmer at heart but I have bills to pay. The rust stuff was all just a joke… i don’t know it but maybe i should. Thanks for the info.

              Saying anymore about what I do is just super embarrassing but i promise i meant no ill will. Excuse my frustration, I’m locked into a proprietary system i have no control over. You would laugh your ass off if you saw it. Anyway, i meant no offense, have a good night!

    • @stingpie@lemmy.world
      41 year ago

      Ah yes, rust. The language that somehow manages to manages to as verbose as possible, with as much jargonized shorthand that a computer could handle.

      • @aidan@lemmy.world
        21 year ago

        Exactly, I don’t understand why languages have decided that every keyword needs to be as randomly minified as possible. fn, def, rune(ok that’s not minified, just a dumb name), fmt, std. Many of these things aren’t new, but programmers recognize descriptive variable names are important, the same should be true for keywords.