
    • krellor
      1 year ago

      Not the person you asked, but I have the same general sense that most women would not find it a positive thing to list. Without making broad unsupported generalizations about women, I would suggest:

      • it’s a TV show, not a personality. It’s a bit much to list as an important detail on a dating profile.
      • similar to the first point, there is a stereotype about certain men that made the show their personality. Cringe.
      • the show is largely shock humor, irreverent, pithy comedy dialogue. Not bad in and of itself, except when paired with the above mentioned points of it being used as a surrogate personality, or listed as if it’s an important part of a person’s interests.

      Anecdotally, my wife also dislikes the show.

      I would suggest that listing broad categories of things you like is probably better than an individual thing. E.g., saying you like reading and listing a few authors isn’t weird, but listing one single book seems a little obsessed.

      • That’s all pretty close to what I’d say. It’s not a popular show amongst women and trying to explain “No, Dan Harmon wrote some really poignant critiques about modern pop culture” is a losing battle when what everyone knows about the show is screaming Szechuan Sauce losers, Justin Roiland’s general sex pest attitude, and generally gross content (including pedophile rape!) Don’t start dating someone by justifying something they dislike, just sell the good parts about yourself

    • FoundTheVegan
      111 year ago

      I have a rule of thumb about certain media. If you like Rick and Morty, Joker, Donnie Darko or Fight Club that’s okay. But if any of those are you FAVORITE that’s a low key red flag where I am gonna ask you to explain why…

      Those aren’t bad shows/movies, but they all feature very arrogant, can’t-be-bothered-with-dummies, over the top rude men. It’s a very edgy teenage immature thing to adore thess characters for the wrong reasons. It would never be a deal breaker, but it certainly isn’t appealing.

      • Fight Club is so funny to me because most of the people who “love it so fuckin much” missed the point entirely. And I love it so fuckin much, but I’m a big Chuck Palahniuk fan and actually got what the book and movie were going for.