The other thread about favorite mechanics is great, so let’s also do the opposite: what are some of your most hated mechanics?

    152 years ago

    Anything using timers, especially based on the clock. It just artificially adds playtime, and it also means I forget about them and lose track of what I was doing most the time, too.

        32 years ago

        I can say that the only timed content I enjoyed was in WoW and it was the Challenge Modes.

        Both because you could try it multiple times and because the reward was an actual prestigious and awesome reward.

        I can’t think of another game with a timed run mechanic that offered anything close to that.

          22 years ago

          My only contention for good timed content in video games would be examples similar to the beginning of Metroid Prime. “The whole planet is gonna explode and you need to leave RIGHT NOW!!” type of deal. It’s essentially the same as putting a timer on a task, in fact that game does show you a timer with how long you still have until the place explodes, except it doesn’t feel like a fakey cop out

      32 years ago

      Currently playing through “unsighted”. It is a really nice metroidvania game, however everyone (even you) is dying and only has a certain time left. For now i am really enjoying the novelty, but I hope no game copies this. It does really stress me out. knowing that i have to go and upgrade my weapons now because the blacksmith npc s dying in 4 in game hours(like 10 minutes irl). Or quietly exploring the beautiful world just to get a pop up showing that the (nice elderly) consumables vendor is about to die. Like I said it is quite novel, but does have me not play the game often due to knowing wath wil come. I’d say try it out if you feel like stressing a bit :).

      12 years ago

      Yep, soon as the calendar came up in P5 I quit. Same with FE3H. I did eventually go back to P5 and followed a single playthrough walkthrough, but it far overstayed its welcome.