• blazera
    11 year ago

    this is no strawman, I quoted you, you’re claiming they’re taking your money. Because otherwise what point do you even have? Nothing is happening because they dont have your money if you’re not giving it to them of your own free will for a service you very much do not need or have any innate entitlement to. It’s only a problem for you because you want that service, you think you are entitled to it for a cheaper price.

    Please, take up game programming. 3D modeling, rigging, animating, shading, level designing, server coding, writing, music composing, voice acting, localizing, play testing, bug fixing. On the scale of World of Warcraft. You can sell it for whatever price you want after you’ve paid the hundreds of people you had to get help because you didnt know how to. You have no appreciation for what you think you’re entitled to.

    • @mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
      11 year ago

      A vending machine takes money. Taking doesn’t just mean stealing. That’s why I didn’t say stealing your money. You are fixated on one word to ignore the actual god-damn argument.

      Or do you get the impression I choose words for softer impact?

      I don’t play WoW. I have never played WoW. I am never going to play WoW. I happen to care about people who aren’t me. And all the devs you namedrop as if I’m wildly ignorant of underlying complexity would be massively better-off, if the industry that already abused the shit out of them wasn’t careening toward bottomless greed. If they could just make a thing, and sell it, without being laden with expectations by coked-out executives who expect everything to be an eternal subscription and an overpriced retail sale and a microtransaction Skinner box.

      How things make money… matters. Some ways are a scam. And when scams are allowed to proliferate, they starve everything more sensible, by making a shitload more money. But being, y’know, inherently dishonest, morally intolerable, widely detested, et very cetera, the revenue is completely detached from value, and largely detached from quality. Video games as a medium are becoming a mere base for these parasitic business schemes. That happens to be really fucking bad for everyone involved - but most immediately, for anyone who wants to purchase and enjoy a major entertainment product, without being subjected to psychological manipulation to give give give unbounded quantities of their actual real-world money, before they’ve even played the game.

      • blazera
        -11 year ago

        If they could just make a thing, and sell it, without being laden with expectations by coked-out executives who expect everything to be an eternal subscription and an overpriced retail sale and a microtransaction Skinner box.

        they can, there is nothing stopping anyone from doing that. But here’s what happens. They’ve got freedom too. This 3D modeler has spent a tremendous amount of time and focus to be as good as he is. And he gets the final say on what he is worth, and what he will accept to work for. A game studio is looking to hire a new 3D modeler. And they have a long history of successful games, games that they have sold for an up front cost and continuing subscription cost. They have more money to offer him than other studios, and he accepts their offer. They are paying industry leading amounts to secure industry leading talent. And they get the final say what they’re willing to sell their game for. And you get final say on what you spend your money on. Everyone involved has their freedom, no one is being forced to do anything against their will. The modeler didnt have to accept the job, the studio didnt have to offer that pay, you dont have to buy their game. A chain of events of freedom of choice has lead to the price that they are charging

        • @mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
          11 year ago

          Parroting ‘nobody was forced’ will never be a meaningful response to ‘this is a scam.’

          Every con involved choice. That’s what makes them a con, instead of a mugging.

          These scams are killing off every other business model.

          • blazera
            01 year ago

            I have no idea how you think this is a scam. What’s the deception? Is it not actually $90? Do you not get 3 days early access? There’s…not a whole lot of elements to get through here, one of those two would have to not be true.

            • @mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
              11 year ago

              Taking money for value invented out of thin air is a scam. All of this arbitrary exclusivity for absurd sums of money is that same process. This is the shallow end - but it is the same sty.

              • blazera
                01 year ago

                No theyre taking money for 3 days of early access. You dont think its worth that, but that is what people are paying for, Blizzard is being honest about what they are getting, and how much it costs. Scams are by definition deceptive, and there is nothing of the sort happening here.

                • @mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
                  11 year ago

                  It costs them nothing extra and makes them a shitload of money. It further normalizes some people paying entirely too much for a video game, and getting special treatment commensurate with the money they throw at it.

                  And it’s still a subscription fucking MMO, with real-money “microtransactions” for arbitrary in-game bullshit, charging ninety god-damn dollars on top of all that.

                  • Chozo
                    01 year ago

                    It costs them nothing extra

                    Untrue. Servers don’t run on pixie dust and dreams. Employees don’t pay rent with good vibes and well-wishes. Every second of operation costs money.

                  • blazera
                    -11 year ago

                    Do you know what determines if something costs too much? People not buying it. Thats it. If people buy it? Then its worth that much.

                    I think youve got a misconception about me telling you you dont have to buy it. Im not prescribing it as a method to stop video game prices from going up if we all work together to not buy it. Im telling you, personally, dont have to buy it, you get to keep your money, and no harm has been done to you. And everyone that does buy it has the same option not to. But Blizzard has been up front, what they get for the money they are spending, and they have the freedom to choose to pay that money, the price is not too much for them.