Dating apps lose their luster with college students::undefined

    301 year ago

    I am opposed to dating apps because they’re bad for privacy. Not only are you pretty much encouraged to have a photo of your face online (which is compltely off-limits for me), but to do so in presence of A LOT OF HORNY MEN. No thanks, I would rather pick up a hobby where more socialization occurs naturally.

      81 year ago

      Good point. Not to mention dating apps are literally designed not to work. They lose money if you leave so they actively prevent you from finding a partner.

        31 year ago

        thats because its not a dating app at its core, its a make the company money app, you might get a date, but thats not their purpose. This isn’t a all capitalism is bad comment, I"m just pointing out the obvious. I dont go into the world not thinking I"m not trying to be manipulated. I understand some people are naive though, even perhaps college students in their “safe” spaces.