• chaogomu
    62 years ago

    And Putin still lost. He’s been shown to be weak. He compromised.

    Now the other sharks that Putin surrounded himself with will smell that weakness.

    Autocrats must project that Strongman image, especially when it’s a lie. Dictators who show weakness like this rarely die peacefully.

    • ghost_laptopM
      -102 years ago

      Russians have a true sense of patriotism and love for their people, not like you in the West that send their brothers to die and enslave their own people. This has just made Putin stronger, all of the military supported him and proved his men are loyal. Prigozhin got ousted and Wagner is going to be nationalized, Ukraine didn’t even win any territory in the front lines during all of this because their offensive didn’t even start. If you consider this a lost you are delirious and refuse to analyse reality.