Below are the current succulents I have! I generally have a black thumb, but I’m trying to change that. Any gotchas to keep in mind when taking care of succulents? I already learned the hard way that I need to keep the dwarf jade indoors because direct sun causes the leaves to brown.

    2 years ago

    There are lots of varieties of succulents that need different things. But in general, a good start is to make sure that you’re using a soil mix that will drain well and that your pots also have drainage holes to prevent root rot. Make sure the soil is fully dry before watering again and water less in the winter when a lot of varieties go dormant. Your climate will matter a lot. It will determine if you can put them outside in the summer or not and if you’ll have enough sun in the winter. If you don’t have enough sun in the winter, you’ll need a grow light to give them enough light to prevent stretching. These are the very basics and there’s a lot more advice to give depending on the varieties and if you want to propagate and more.

    Quick plug if your interested, but I started a succulents community about a week ago. Feel free to join us to get more advice or post your plant progress: !