My wife discovered somebody nearby selling a few small rhizomes of this plant just a few months ago.

A few months after she buried them, slowly more and more of the gorgeous purple leaves came up. The leaves even go to sleep at night and fold down, it’s adorable.

Soon, the flowers followed, the whole plant was covered in flowers recently and they still keep coming. Even the flowers go to sleep, just the most cute and beautiful plant ever, it brings us a lot of joy. :)

  • Unicorn 🌳OP
    02 years ago

    I’d love to have a garden, our dream is a minimal maintenance permaculture garden mini-ecosystem 😁

    • Lucy🔸🔸🔸
      12 years ago

      That sounds really nice. This year we tried something new. There was thing called No Mow May to encourage wildlife and the pollinators. We left a big circle unmowed in our garden and it was really successful. We’ve since tidied it up but we’re thinking of leaving it like it is as long as we can.