• downpunxx
    18 months ago

    The world according to Lemmy/KBIN :

    Nazis and Holocaust deniers, bad

    Jew slaughtering Muslim terrorists, and Genocidal Islamic terrorist denial, good

    When Jews need you, you fucks are no where to be found, except defending the side which is attacking us, or simply looking the other way. Decades later you think it’s uncouth, with a butchers bill of dead Jews.

    Again and again and again.

    • Th4tGuyII
      8 months ago

      I keep seeing you everywhere, and it’s always the same shit everytime. You act as though we’re all hypocrites because you can’t see past your ego.

      Firstly, nobody is supporting what Hamas has done or is doing. They slaughtered innocent civilians, and Israel absolutely needed to respond to it…

      But do you think for even a second that carpet bombing hundreds of innocent Palestinians was a warranted response to that attack? Do you think killing hundreds of people who had literally nothing to do with Hamas nor the attack justified to you?

      If your answer is anything but no, then your strawman of us might just be a mirror of you.

      Secondly, stop it with this “All Jews” bullshit. Israel is a Jewish state, not Judaism itself. That’s like saying Saudi Arbia represents all of Islam because of Mecca, or that the Vatican city represents all of Christianity.

      Protesting against and criticising Israel for stooping to the same level of heinous war crimes as Hamas is not an attack on Judaism, nor is it people advocating for the slaughter/genocide of Jewish people.

      If you can’t distinguish between the two, then this discussion isn’t even worth having.

      Edit: Also, just FYI, boosting and upvoting yourself is both dishonest and kinda sad.

    • Zellith
      18 months ago

      I’m boosting you to increase your visibility just so more people can see how dumb you are.

    • Bipta
      18 months ago

      Both bad, actually… But also Israeli war crimes bad. I hope that clears things up.