It annoys me how most dvd/cd games came with a code or you have to pay a crazy amount for retro titles. im looking for game si can test on a 32 bit, 2gb of ram pc or even turn it into a retro gaming machine. i have a bunch of blank dvd’s laying around so should i put some on a dvd by chance. where do i even find retro games that can be put on a dvd for free?

also feel free to add anything if needed.

    • ShySparkOP
      42 years ago

      thats pretty epic, also are there any titles i should check out?by chance

        32 years ago

        Well, my top games there would be the LucasArts Adventures like Monkey Island 1+2 and Indiana Jones Last Crusade + Fate of Atlantis. But also Sierra Adventures, Prince of Persia, SimCity… (all DOS games, that’s the only thing I had). Lots of other games I forgot right now, and everyone probably has their own top picks, too.