image transcription:

an image incorporating two famous memes. on top is the title “learning about Σ* in theory of computation.”

in the centre is a close-up of Chad face – often used when talking about sigma males – cropped in a five-pointed star shape.

below are two soyjaks pointing towards the aforementioned Chad face. those soyjaks are labeled “me” and “my brain”.

  • It’s funny, I never associated formal languages as part of the theory of computation. We only learnt about them from the perspective of automata/state machine theory

    • Kogasa
      1 year ago

      Automata and formal languages were pretty much my entire “Theory of Computation” class. It’s what’s in Sipser.

      21 year ago

      Didn’t you go into Turing machines and the Halting problem from that?

      That was my intro into computation: regex, automatas, state machines, stack state machines, formal languages, grammars, Turing machines, Hanting Problem, P NP.