The top European Union court ruled on Tuesday that public authorities in member states can prohibit employees from wearing signs of religious belief, such as an Islamic head scarf, in the latest decision on an issue that has divided Europe for years.

The case came to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) after an employee of the eastern Belgian municipality of Ans was told she could not wear an Islamic head scarf at work.

    357 months ago

    TL/DR like most people do -

    Woman says her right to freedom of religion had been infringed.

    EU says that a public service would also be justified if it decided to authorise, in a general and indiscriminate manner, the wearing of visible signs of belief.

    The court said authorities in member states had a margin of discretion in designing the neutrality of public service they intended to promote.

    However, this objective must be pursued in a consistent and systematic manner and measures must be limited to what is strictly necessary, the court said

    Not about headscarves or anything in particular, just about any religious paraphernalia

      17 months ago

      I fully support that honestly.

      I fully believe religion has no place outside of private property whether that’s your place of worship or your own home.

      Outside of those two places no one other than your fellow believers gives even the slightest fuck about your religious beliefs.