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  • CynAq
    52 years ago

    I somehow skipped over Hollow Knight until now. I’m playing that this week, and maybe forever.
    The game is dope.

    • Chetzemoka
      22 years ago

      I’m not a gamer.

      I beat the original Contra on NES and I’ve barely played anything ever except the first Animal Crossing and AC:NH during the pandemic.

      I picked up Hollow Knight for Christmas last year and it’s the first game I’ve played to completion in literally 35 years. I just got [no spoilers] ending with 105% completion like two weeks ago.

      I can’t begin to convey how much I love this game. It’s definitely what I’m (still) playing this week.

      12 years ago

      Slight spoiler warning:

      Same for me. I put it down for a few days after failing Mantis Lords and Soul Master and getting salty about the bench placements, but after watching this video on why the Mantis Lords are fantastically designed , I picked it up again and start to really enjoy it – winning both of these boss fights in two attempts. Before engaging them again, it was worth exploring more and getting stronger. The game doesn’t communicate well how strong you currently are (e.g., by not having health bars for the bosses). The best clue was to see how well you can score against the standard monsters in that area.