Context, I’m 30 now and i will find women my age and up attractive, but 15 years ago a 35 year old women would never have been attractive to me.

As I’ve aged younger women are less and less attractive (thankfully)

But when I’m 60 will 60 year old women be attractive to me?

      251 year ago

      As soon as I saw this post I jumped on xkcd. Glad I checked the comments before replying, or I would have made quite the fool of myself.

      121 year ago

      Alt text:

      The full analysis is of course much more complicated, but I can’t stay to talk about it because I have a date.

      101 year ago

      Since turning 30 I’ve been thinking about the half-your-age-plus-seven rule a lot more. It would feel creepy as fuck to date a 22 year old. Is this all in my head? It feels predatory to swipe right on anyone younger than 25

        41 year ago

        I’m about to turn 40, and 27 has proven to be too young for me. The folks I’ve had the most success with have been 30+.

        At 30, I’d think 25+ is the spot to be in.

        31 year ago


        You realize that that “rule” is based on absolutely nothing, right? It’s just arbitrary nonsense that people who are terrified of disorder impose on themselves because rules give them a pleasant secure feeling even when the rule ridiculous :-D

        ‘creepy’ is a feeling. and like all feelings it is entirely in the eye of the beholder. ‘predatory’ is stupid fear-mongering bullshit. Certain TV personalities made tons of money scaring the fuck out of parents, and they did it by using the vivid violent imagery of vacuous metaphors like ‘predator’

        People in their 20s are perfectly capable adults. They are not harmed by consensual sex with people older than them. There is not a shred of evidence that folks over 30 are somehow dangerous or have magic brainwashing powers that they use for evil :-D

        So, yes, it’s all in your head. Your culture has taught you to fear something that is 100% harmless on every level.