(Disclaimer: not my cat, not my picture, found in an imgur dump)

  • @peereboominc@lemm.ee
    771 year ago

    At least it had the decency too stay on it. Could have sit on it for a minute, walk away and then watch you eat it.

      • Here’s a better one for ya. If the worst thing you unknowingly put in your mouth, chew, and swallow is a little cat butt. Then, you should consider yourself lucky.

        I did pest control for several years. We always said that cats are the worst pest in the house. They stomp around in a box of their own feces and urine. Then they track that all over your counter tops and furniture. They sit on you counters and furniture with a bare butthole.

        I mean let’s face it. If you have a cat you’ve more than like put something in your mouth that touched their b-hole even if indirectly.