• Leela [it/its]
      21 year ago

      I have been lurking this community for a good amount of months and was a bit shy to make an account, to be honest. I am a rather shy person and do not know how to get a proper footing within a community but when I saw the amount of prejudice against some gender you don’t even know, I knew someone had to speak up against this. I knew I couldn’t stay silent any further. I knew I had to make an account just to speak up. Everyone who is oppressed and harassed deserves someone to stand up for them and to assure them they are safe and well. Everyone who does not do that is an awful person. I don’t want to be an awful person. I can’t be the bystander any longer. Fuck, I was so angry that I just didn’t care about doing anything else, in fact. I am so abhorred at the lack of standards in this specific post that you made me pretty much make an account just to stand up for this one random person. I’m just a silly corvid from a silly system.

        • Leela [it/its]
          21 year ago

          to make that judgement, you’d need to know that person’s typing patterns and their general points. it is fairly obvious from the way I type that I am different from that person. I am far more impulsive and reckless than they are, and I could make that judgement based on looking at how they structure their words, because I am not a dumbass. also, if it’s 3AM, you can go to sleep instead of harassing intersex people. thank you!

            • Leela [it/its]
              21 year ago

              TIL quoting someone and addressing it is “typing like someone”. TIL capitalizing your initial words in a sentence is “typing like someone”. also of course they blocked you, you insufferable asshole. you’ve been bad faith, and I don’t want to do anything with you. adieu, and do your work. have fun!

                • DroneRights [it/its]
                  01 year ago

                  I wasn’t banned. I’m banned from your local instance, I’m still here. And I have reported your homophobia and ableism. I also think you’re a complete nincompoop to be informing someone you assert isn’t me about whether I blocked you. Maybe you’re actually starting to realise we’re different people.