You’re looking at that right by the way. THREE freeway ramps!! I walked this last week and it was genuinely terrifying. The first freeway ramp when coming from the bus stop has NO pedestrian lights or signals.

Also those of you with good eyes will notice that there is NO SIDEWALK south of the bus stop. None. If you want to walk south on that particular street (which is 5 lanes btw) then you have to cross the freeway to get to the other side of the road.

  • agrammatic
    11 year ago

    This kind of makes me feel that the problem starts one layer before: this are is so spread out. It really doesn’t look like there’s any visible reason for buildings to be so far apart.

    There’s so few buildings that yeah, I think one bus stop is enough to serve them as far as amount of users is concerned. But the green could have been around the built up area, not between the buildings. Parking could also be compacted, maybe multi-floor or underground to reduce the surface area.

    • bermudaOP
      11 year ago

      This post is about the position of the bus stop, not whether it serves the amount of people necessary.

      • agrammatic
        11 year ago

        I probably didn’t express myself well. What I meant to say is that with an area so spread-out, any placement of the bus stop would make it extremely unreachable from some other adjacent destination.