Vet said he needed shots to boost his nerves and if he doesn’t respond well in a couple days he’ll do an X-ray and decide on a further course of treatment. He’s back to purring in my lap again. Hug your kitties extra tight for me tonight.

    • @jacktherippah@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      He started walking weird, really slow compared to normal. His tail was all weird. It doesn’t go straight up or go into the question mark shape when he sees me anymore, it was at a low angle. When he stretches, it’s in this weird parabola shape. He didn’t come out of his normal spot to cuddle with me when I wake up, and he didn’t come out for food either. When I pick him up and bring him to the food bowl he’ll lap it up like normal. If i pick him up and put him in my lap he would cuddle like normal as well. He showed zero signs of fear or aggression. So I thought something was seriously seriously wrong. I brought him to the vet the next day.