The other thread about favorite mechanics is great, so let’s also do the opposite: what are some of your most hated mechanics?

    52 years ago

    Honestly, I think thats just a love it or hate it thing that I can totally see why it isnt for everyone and I dont blame you, but I personally love it and would hate to see it reduced/taken away. Once I leaned into it it really encourages me to explore and I enjoy the new fuse system enough that I like when a weapon breaks because Im excited to make a new one

    • Pigeon
      32 years ago

      I’m actually getting impatient when a weapon lasts too long, because I want it to break already so I can use something new and interesting without feeling like I’m wasting it. :P

      I think part of it is having enough weapon slots that I’m choosing different weapons in different contexts, and so they all subjectively feel like they’re lasting longer than they did at the start of the game (even accounting for regular vs sturdy weapons).

      Also making more use of shield fusions lately, and consumables on arrows, which again results in using the weapons less.

      I keep kinda wishing I could fuse things to my bows though lol, even though I can use so many different consumables with the arrows already.

        22 years ago

        Yeah! I just learned that fusing elemental items to shields adds elemental shockwaves when you block, and it really made me think more about my shield fusions