As much as I don’t like negative threads, there’s one thing in iOS that really irritates me, and I want to air it…
Pressing and holding the tab button in Safari to access tab groups, should have a haptic response.
Because it doesn’t, I often end up opening the tab view instead, so I have to huff a little, hit Done, then try again. I don’t know why it annoys me that it doesn’t because none of the other buttons in Safari do, but I feel like it should.
No, I have not contacted Tim Apple about this. Yes, I probably should.
from the left screen edge towards right.
So still inconvenient.
lol my guy it’s the most intuitive, straightforward, natural way to go back that I can imagine. You just swipe the window back.
From the right to the left, yes. But from the left, you still have to reach your thumb across.
On my phone, everything is done symmetrical. Swipe from left or right edge towards
middle. Back
middle down. Switch between 2 last apps
middle down and hold. Kill/close current app
middle up. Multi task window
middle up and hold. Home
bottom up. Home