It’s insane the lengths that some people will go to save a few seconds on their commute, while also endangering others.

    51 year ago

    Except it won’t be 50% longer, not unless you’re going cross country. If you’re driving anything less than 100+ MI =,10 mph isn’t going to make pretty much any difference in your commute time at all. Not to mention your just going to hit a light and someone traveling the actual speed limit will then pull up right along side you while you wait

    • HexesofVexes
      01 year ago

      30mph - 30 miles in 1 hour 20mph - 20 miles in 1 hour, or 30 miles in 1.5 hours

      However, you do have a point about the hell that is stop-start traffic.

        1 year ago

        That’s the point yes, looking purely at math assuming a completely 100% clear no stop Journey it would be faster. But that’s not how life works, you stop at lights, you slow down at ramps, you stop at intersections. All of these things together make it so that unless you’re traveling like a hundred miles or more it’s just not going to make a difference. I very regularly make trips between Seattle and Portland, the difference between trying to cruise control 65 the whole way and trying to cruise control 75 the whole way isn’t very large. Last time I remember trying I think it was about a 20 minute difference in a trip that is almost 3 hours Real world slowdowns end up equalizing much of the journey