It’s insane the lengths that some people will go to save a few seconds on their commute, while also endangering others.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    11 year ago

    TL;DR: If you do incriminating stuff, you should be incriminated.

    Boot tasty.

    • Oh, yeah… so if you do incriminating stuff, say… acting in a way that directly leads to people being hurt, maimed and / or traumatized, you should just get a pat on the back. I will just have to presume that this is what you are saying.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        01 year ago

        acting in a way that directly leads to people being hurt, maimed and / or traumatized

        If that’s your benchmark then 90% of people should be considered criminal.

        Out of interest do you support Israel and/or the continuation of the war in Ukraine or do you support ceasefires?

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I couldn’t care less. These cameras exist entirely to make councils money. When they actually want traffic slowed they redesign the road properly with traffic islands.

        Destroying these cameras is a good thing. It either fucks over council revenue sources that mainly fuck the poor while affecting the rich not one bit, or it results in getting actual redesigns of the roads properly because they do actually want that road to be safer.

        This method is a little extreme though tbh we usually just chuck paint on them. This one is tall in order to make that less viable it seems.