Is there a pull request template that does this?

Edit: I was worried about possibly needing to change license. For now I will just use a permissive license. The situation is made seemingly complicated by the possible need to use copylefted images, combined with the possible need for using server code (which shouldn’t use creative commons) in addition to the static html. I would rather deal with including parts with different licenses (probably not as complicated as I initially thought) instead of contributor license agreements.

Edit 2: Also, license enforcement is not very important for my project.

Edit 3: Now I’m using creative commons zero and making the repo comply with

  • wagesj45
    -41 year ago

    Copyright and license agreements are not at all the same thing. And just because something is “open source” doesn’t mean that it is free of copyright.

      71 year ago

      Did you even read the title of the post? OP wants to force contributors to transfer copyright to OP.

      I don’t care how you wanna twist the thoughts between open source vs copyright, ain’t nobody got any business trying to force contributors out of a copyright license.

      • wagesj45
        31 year ago

        I don’t think you’ve properly thought through the consequences of not considering IP rights for projects with a significant number of contributors. There are absolutely situations in which having a single IP holder is advantageous to having multiple IP holders. Large open source projects might find governance hard when they’re hamstrung by getting consensus from hundreds or thousands of contributors.

        And yes, I did read the title and the post. I understood it.