The fediverse is discussing if we should defederate from Meta’s new Threads app. Here’s why I probably won’t (for now).

(Federation between plume and my lemmy instance doesn’t work correctly at the moment, otherwise I would have made this a proper crosspost)

  • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.deOP
    2 years ago

    Could you please be a bit less aggressive? The post is titled “Why I probably won’t defederate from Threads” and I’ve given my personal arguments. I’ve also addressed the points you’re making, both in my post and in other comments over here.

    It isn’t titled “Why you shouldn’t defederate from Threads” or “Why we shouldn’t defederate from Threads”. It’s not even titled “I will never defederate from Threads”. There are many valid and well-written arguments for defederating. I posted my counter-arguments for a bit of balance yet I have no intention to force or even convince anyone to do as I do.

    So let’s please be civil around here and not go around brigading people who have different opinions with arguments they have already heard multiple times. If you want to set a good example, then do that for a respectful discussion just as much as you try to do it for the ethical aspects of federation.

      242 years ago

      I read it. Your points, especially about how they’ll have to play by the rules, seem a bit naive. Theoretically, those points should have applied to Google and XMPP, but in reality, Google just threw their weight around and killed it anyways. It’s very likely that Facebook will do the same.

      Sorry if I seem a bit aggressive, I just don’t want to see this thing we have die because of the influence of a megacorporation.

      • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.deOP
        -192 years ago

        I don’t see how Google killed XMPP. They removed it from their own application which is the exact same effect as not speaking an open protocol in the first place. Nobody forced other XMPP-based applications to change. You know what made me stop using XMPP and not keep my Jabber instance when I moved to a new server? Clunky applications and the fact that everyone I had in my contact list was also on another more comfortable platform (at first ICQ and MSN, later Discord) and prefered to contact me there.

        If we federate with Threads, they may use their power to push changes to ActivityPub but nobody forces any of us to implement them, making them effectively irrelevant. If they do something that’s incompatible with the rest of the fediverse, they effectively defederate from everyone else. So either way the end result is two separate sub-fediverses and the more popular one will win out. Hint: it’s gonna be the one with billions of dollars of funding. If we let them in as long as they play by the rules, we have a chance to educate people on what’s beyond Threads, it gives Meta something to lose if they defederate (their users’ ability to talk to people in their friend lists). At least we don’t lose anything that we wouldn’t also lose by not talking to them in the first place.

          2 years ago

          When they removed XMPP, they disconnected the Google users from the rest of XMPP. And since it was the largest instance, XMPP as a whole basically died. People couldn’t use XMPP to stay in touch anymore with people using Google’s thing, and vice-versa, which XMPP as a whole kind of came to rely on. I don’t know much more about XMPP, but anyways, most of my points are general and not XMPP-specific.

          Also, cutting them off from the fediverse won’t have the effect you’re trying to say it will have. It’ll just be it’s own thing, just like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc are now. And the fediverse thrives in spite of them.

          And please, stop assuming Facebook will play by the rules. They won’t.

          • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.deOP
            2 years ago

            When they removed XMPP, they disconnected the Google users from the rest of XMPP. And since it was the largest instance, XMPP as a whole basically died. People couldn’t use XMPP to stay in touch anymore with people using Google’s thing, and vice-versa, which XMPP as a whole kind of came to rely on.

            And how is this different from not using XMPP (or being defederated) in the first place? Their platform would still have become huge and pulled over users. People don’t use a platform because they like the technology. They use it because it has people they want to talk to. Even google themselves had to accept that with their failed Google Wave which didn’t even survive the closed beta because people who got an invite couldn’t talk to their friends who didn’t get one.

            And I’m explicitly not assuming Facebook will play by the rules in the long run. I’m saying while they do, let’s talk to them, even if it’s just for a month. When they eventually start breaking the rules, we can still defederate and I assure you that we won’t lose significantly more users than we would have if we had defederated earlier. Because why would we? We’re on the side of the open-closed divide that values privacy and open source software. Our only reason to ever switch to Threads is to talk to people that aren’t on Mastodon/Lemmy/Whatever. If that’s a requirement for someone they have to do that either way. But for someone who starts out on Threads, we might suddenly create an incentive to create a Mastodon account to keep talking to their friends. They probably won’t leave Threads but they will use both, pulling the fediverse into the public conciousnes.

              2 years ago

              It’s different because for a while, there was no incentive for the average person to move to decentralised, libre XMPP when they could interact with the people there from Google Talk. If someone was on XMPP and asked a Talk user to come over, the odds they would be convinced were very small. Why would they when they can access it anyways?

              Even if they didn’t kill it, they certainly stalled it’s growth, from the moment they federated.

              Facebook will probably start not playing nice slowly, if they don’t right away, so it’ll be very hard to draw a line where they should be defederated, so larger instances and users may never end up defederating them thanks to blurred lines and constantly shifting goalposts. “We’ll defederate when they don’t play nice” is too vague to work when they move slowly and change things gradually.

              When the vicious predator bares it’s fangs, it’s best to deal with it right away by running or fighting back, instead of trying to be friendly with it.

              • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.deOP
                -122 years ago

                And how many of those Google Talk users would have created an XMPP account if there hadn’t been any federation at all? If someone was on XMPP and asked a Talk user to come over, the odds they would be convinced were very small. Why would they when they can ask you to create a Google Talk account instead?

                  2 years ago

                  Why would someone create a Signal account when they can ask you to create a WhatsApp account instead?

                  People do it, because they’re convinced of it for one reason or another. But it’s a hell of a lot harder to convince someone to move when both are interoperable. Imagine if Signal and WhatsApp were federated together, do you think Signal would have nearly as much success as it does if WhatsApp users could just stay there to communicate with Signal users?

      • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.deOP
        -102 years ago

        Have a look at the upvote to downvote ratio on the top level post. Currently 22 up / 9 down. I can fully respect people not agreeing with me, it is a controversial opinion after all. Fine, ignore it or respectfully post an on-topic reply and move on. But actively marking it as “this is bad” or leaving replies that just repeat arguments that I’ve explicitly addressed… I don’t get it. Especially when my last two paragraphs are literally:

        I hope this gives you a bit of a different perspective on the whole discussion. I’ll still respect anyone who sees things differently and will actively follow the discussion. I’m just annoyed by all the identical knee jerk reactions that have been floating around.

        If I see new arguments or the discussion quality on Threads is bad enough that I have to block half their users I might still defederate for them but for now I’ll keep calm and wait for the situation to develop.

          2 years ago

          If a person thinks your idea is a bad one, downvoting and walking away is just about the least aggressive they can be, though. Especially if they see other people have already left comments that reflect their opinion so they couldn’t add anything.

          • @dfyx@lemmy.helios42.deOP
            2 years ago

            I guess there are different opinions about what downvotes are for. Personally I think they shouldn’t reflect if something matches my opinion but if it’s worth reading. For me, a downvote says “this is badly written”, “this is rude” or in general “this shouldn’t be on people’s front page”. I will gladly upvote a post/comment that contradicts my personal belief if the author put effort into it.

              32 years ago

              That’s fine. Fwiw I don’t even have a button for it on my instance. You shouldn’t assume everyone is going to share your usage though, in fact I think most people don’t.

              12 years ago

              Completely share your view and practice. Seems are in a minority. I mean, let’s take your comment right here. it’s your point of view, there’s nothing wrong or insulting about it, it’s well articulated, it’s thought-provoking. And a bunch of people downvote it. So that less people will see it. Apparently that makes them feel better. It’s a pretty pretty sad reflection on humanity, I find.