The measure to make vehicles weighing 1.6 tons and over pay 3x the parking rates for the first two hours has passed in Paris.

Now, let’s get that in place for London and many other other places to help slow, and even reverse, this trend towards massive personal vehicles.

  • 7bicycles [he/him]
    41 year ago

    I mean, much the same, but I’m kind of split whether they’re meaningfully better. Unless it’s smog smog I have some ways to avoid car exhaust, like not standing directly beside it, where I live even the law allows for that. I don’t put down enough watts to transport myself to a stable orbit.

    But, just to be clear, this is me arguing against all cars, not pro gasoline cars over electric cars

    • wopazoo [he/him]
      31 year ago

      I’m just mad that my city built a new protected bike lane along a busy road, but the air smells so bad because of car exhaust lol

      • 7bicycles [he/him]
        21 year ago

        oh, quite understandable. I do appreciate EVs when I’M stuck behind one at a traffic light for not gassing me.