I know money can’t buy happiness blahblahblah.

Do they do gift exchanges at all?

Do they ask for anything?

They have enough money that they could get anything made or done for them at a moment’s notice. Like having ChatGPT, but for services. Ridiculous things we couldn’t imagine.

Anyone have any insight into general trends along those lines?

  • @AlecSadler@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    I’m nowhere near Bill Gates money and never will be.

    I think amongst my circle of family and friends, I probably net 3-4x more than the highest earner I know. For the most part, I can buy myself whatever gadgets or books or food or things I typically want.

    But…I don’t, well, I don’t always.

    In fact, oftentimes I find myself putting off buying Book A or B because I just don’t feel like it’s a good use of money right now.

    Sometimes I won’t even buy myself new socks until all of mine have been worn down to absolute tatters. I own two pairs of jeans and one pair of shoes and they’re going to go until they completely fall apart.

    Other times, I want this new game and I don’t buy it because I can’t really justify it for how much time I might end up having for it.

    But if anyone I know gets me any of the above or similar, I’d honestly be super happy. It removes that mental battle for me and I get something I actually want / need.