Its acquirer (Bending Spoons) has taken over operations. They’ve also hiked subscriptions prices and told customers they intend to use new revenues to pay for new features. How they intend to do that without any staff is something I would like to know about.

If you’re still using Evernote, probably a good time to stop.

    2 years ago

    A former employer bought a lifetime subscription to Evernote for me, I forget why they did that some perky new manager wanting us all to collaborate or something. I used it for notes when learning Spanish if I recall. A few years after that they canceled it and said I had to pay so I deleted my account. I entirely forgot it existed until reading this post. That’s the end of my Evernote story.

      42 years ago

      Lol, similarly. Is been using it since just after our came out. Once they started removing features behind a pay wall, especially emailing notes, I quit and forgot it existed.