Still like the game, even if it did not live up to expectations.

  • Corvus Nyx
    52 years ago

    The story and the roleplaying were boilerplate, not something you want in a series known for being rich in both. Could tell you about 5 minutes after the prologue who the main antagonist really was. It was the kind of twist Vince Russo would pull in the old WCW days. The heavy focus on crafting and the pain of having to defend places throughout the wasteland was also a big turnoff for me. Felt like a lot of busywork and fluff to pad the game out. I avoid and drop games that don’t feel like they respect my time.

    All in all, it wasn’t a good game for me, but I’m glad some folks enjoyed it.

    • bermuda
      62 years ago

      i loved the environmental storytelling in the game. I think that’s Bethesda’s best development quality. Being able to walk to pretty much any building and find at minimum a skeleton with some props and at most a whole-ass computer log with its own little narrative was just so much fun.

        22 years ago

        For all the quirks, the engine does a really good job at environmental story stuff.
        Killed a raider last week that got stuck bent over on a fence?
        Yup, still there.
        Send a dude on a supply run to another settlement? Hell yea, they’re actually walking all the way there.
        I’d give people with specific jobs a uniform, kind of.
        Meanwhile, most games despawn dead enemies while you’re still actively looking at them.

        It’s not the best Fallout but it’s a good sandbox.

      52 years ago

      I have the exact same opinion. I didn’t come to fallout for crafting and extreme town defense. I went to fallout for a fun RPG with an interesting story. I thought the main studio would have seen fallout new vegas and remembered what the series was known for. Fallout 3 was just as bad in terms of story.