The planet’s average temperature hit 17.23 degrees Celsius on Thursday, surpassing the 17.18C record set on Tuesday and equalled on Wednesday.

      52 years ago

      I dunno, man. A species using up all the resources available in its isolated home, only to develop the ability to use those stolen resources to go to other nearby bodies and use up their resources as well… Makes me think of a virus. If that’s how our species survives, I’d rather we didn’t.

        2 years ago

        Even if we were able to live in complete harmony with the planet and not exhaust our resources we’d undoubtedly go extinct for one reason or another. I’m not necessarily talking about resources.

        But yeah, what you’ve described is how we’re existing at present anyway.

          52 years ago

          I think that achieving space colonization will only happen if we bring this world to the brink of destruction and the 5 people with all the money at that time decide to spend it all to escape. If we do achieve harmony it’ll be after those guys have already left to go destroy another world, and those left behind who survive the millennia of desolation as the world falls apart and puts itself back together again finally get the picture and treat their home with respect. And even then all it’ll take is one self-centered, power-hungry person being born for the exploitation to come back again.