• flamingarms
    132 years ago

    Resident Evil Director’s Cut on PS1. I was fairly young and not very good at the “survival” aspect of the survival horror. I tried to kill everything I encountered and consumed copious amounts of ammo and herbs doing so. I reached a place where I had a single ink ribbon left, no ammo, health on the red, and confused on where I needed to go next. And I had to go do homework. So I used my last ribbon and saved.

    I discovered next time I played that the way forward was through a tight corridor I missed filled with zombies who could now one-shot me. I tried and tried and literally was unable to get through. First time I ever learned the word “soft-locked” as my brother wheezed it out while laughing. Good times!

    • I also played that game by killing everything I saw; I just happened to also stumble into the fact that if you aim down while using the knife, it can one shot anything you hit. So it was easy af. lol

      • flamingarms
        32 years ago

        Haha whaaaat. After all this time, I had no idea that was a thing. Any enemy? Not bosses though, right?