Its acquirer (Bending Spoons) has taken over operations. They’ve also hiked subscriptions prices and told customers they intend to use new revenues to pay for new features. How they intend to do that without any staff is something I would like to know about.

If you’re still using Evernote, probably a good time to stop.

  • Dark Arc
    2 years ago

    I’m surprised to not here more support for Standard Notes around here (which to’s point is a FOSS app).

    Logseq also looks interesting though I haven’t tried it.

      • Dark Arc
        2 years ago

        Interesting, I don’t remember what the old UI did better. I was pretty frustrated with them for some of the bugs that came with the new UI though (which seem to mostly be fixed now).

        I might checkout Notesnook at some point, I’d realistically like to see their code audited though and a few more years of them being around. It would definitely be the first software I’ve used knowingly out of Pakistan and I’m not familiar enough with Pakistan politics to know what kind of implications that might have on the security of the product.

        (Granted, Standard Notes is out of the United States, and as patriotic as I am, I don’t trust my country to uphold privacy rights so… Maybe that’s insignificant, an audit would regardless still be nice)