No, one company isn’t ‘forcing’ diversity into all your favorite video games

    1 year ago

    If I don’t have the talent, I’d hire the talent and work with them directly. Not hire some firm and tell them “yes we need to maximize the player engagement portfolio metric synergized meta narrative systems” and whatever other corporate words I could fit in.

    Which is specifically what my post was criticizing, unless you’re going to try to tell me that doesn’t happen.

    • geekwithsoul
      1 year ago

      So you’d hire a full time employee while paying for a recruitment process, on-boarding, and then full pay and benefits to help write a game that may take three years to complete and may never actually be completed or released and may never receive a sequel. Oh and your next project might not be suitable for their skills. Genius! Can’t wait to see what games your gaming company releases!

      Hell, why stop there - Every Hollywood movie studio should also just hire a bunch of in-house writers and have them write everything. You think movies are bland and unoriginal now - just you wait! And why do book publishers work with so many different authors? They should just hire 12 or so and have them write everything? 🙄

        • geekwithsoul
          21 year ago

          “Most indie companies” neither hire consultants nor add a bunch of full time employees - they don’t have the money for it. At first I was thinking you just didn’t understand how games are made, but now I’m thinking you don’t understand how general business works.