• @febra@lemmy.world
    642 years ago

    Sadly the denazification was overall a joke and not a success as many claim it to be. The trials held were just for show. Barely any people ended up paying for what they did. Most people that collaborated with the nazi party just signed a piece of paper saying they weren’t Nazis and they were good to go. No such thing as real denazification ever happened.

    • Tammo-Korsai
      292 years ago

      And then the losers were allowed to write history for the winners, hence a lot of historical myths have endured for so long, such as Clean Rommel, Asiatic Hordes and the apolitical Wehrmact.

      • @Ducks@ducks.dev
        2 years ago

        Not necessarily defending the church, because screw the church. But the church played both sides since it’s a big institution. My grandmother and her sister were hidden in a Catholic church in Belgium before the war while their parents were constantly moving from place to place to avoid the gestapo. Meanwhile other churches turned in Jews and hid Nazis after the war. Of course, they kicked my grandmother out when her sister put up a fuss about being baptized so their parents took them back and found their way to America before 1942.