Sweet Baby Inc doesn’t even remotely do what many think it does, but on the modern internet, that doesn’t matter

  • @Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    No they don’t, silly goose. You’re only listening to con artists who tell you that: which they do because you’re easy to fleece for cash if you’re angry and afraid. Woke is about becoming aware of inequality and how privileged white people are in western society. It isn’t about hatred or tearing anybody down (except maybe the rich). It’s about building up those whom society has kept at a disadvantage.

    But you’ve been told that equality is a zero sum game, and that any rights someone else gains come from rights they’ve taken from you. But it isn’t like that at all.

    Stop listening to people who tell you to fear. It isn’t courage. If someone calls you an asshole, maybe consider the possibility that you’re being one?