Sweet Baby Inc doesn’t even remotely do what many think it does, but on the modern internet, that doesn’t matter

  • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
    121 year ago

    show what SBI management have been actually saying before all of this came to light, what their founder and employee have been tweeting

    And you don’t show that either. As someone who is trying to understand the issue people have with SBI, can you show something the founder / employees have actually said? I’m not going to search through a random webpage / Youtube page to see if they actually have something relevant.

    • @Eyck_of_denesle@lemmy.zip
      1 year ago

      They locked their twitter account. So internet archive is your friend.

      The guy below me seems quite slow. I’m not OP.

      • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        171 year ago

        You are trying to convince people that they said inappropriate things. Again, I am not going to go somewhere to do your job for you and dig through some random archives in case there might be something relevant. Especially if I think you’re making it up.

        Internet archive is your friend, if it’s as easy to find as you claim then it would make your arguments significantly more persuasive if you just included a direct link to an archive of whatever it is you are concerned about.

        • @Eyck_of_denesle@lemmy.zip
          1 year ago

          I have better things to do fortunately. It’s pretty clear from other posts that you already made up your mind. So there’s no use. We can end the conversation here.

          Also I’m not trying to convince anyone. I just wanted to help you.

          • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
            121 year ago

            I’m not trying to convince anyone. I just wanted to help you.

            Pro tip: dO yOuR rEsEaRcH!!1! Has never convinced or helped anyone.

            I am willing to have my mind changed if someone were to actually show me any evidence of SBI being bad for some reason. The Steam group says nothing other than “SBI worked on these games,” implying they are bad but not even making the step to say why. When I try to ask people why I should care if SBI is involved I get:

            1. “I don’t have to explain myself” which is true, but does nothing to discredit the claims of bigotry.
            2. “SBI is woke” which we all know is the dog whistle of the bigot, and
            3. “Do your own research” which is the desperate cry of people who believe things without evidence or sources.

            Showing me one of these “terrible” tweets by SBI would sure shut me up if it was anywhere near as terrible as claimed.

            • @Eyck_of_denesle@lemmy.zip
              1 year ago

              Can you reference how exactly I hold the burden? Did I state anything that I have to back up? I only said their twitter is locked. I never said anything else. Looks like the room iq is quite low here.

              For the people downvoting. I’m not op. I never claimed anything.

              • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                31 year ago

                Can you reference how exactly they said you hold the burden? The only said you don’t understand burden of proof, (due to your statements implying that the person making bold claims doesn’t need to provide any evidence of those claims.) They never said anything else.

                • @Eyck_of_denesle@lemmy.zip
                  1 year ago

                  I swear people don’t understand the burden of proof and you’re one of them

                  Lmao. I’m losing braincells here lol. Where did I say or imply “the person making bold claims doesn’t need to provide any evidence of those claims”.

                  My only intention was to help you find those tweets if you were interested. Some of you behave so chronically online. Get a life.

                  • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                    01 year ago

                    Where did I say or imply “the person making bold claims doesn’t need to provide any evidence of those claims”.

                    Right here:

                    They locked their twitter account. So internet archive is your friend.

                    OP made them vaguest of all claims (“SBI leadership said awful things”) and I simply asked them for specifics and a link. You know, to “provide any evidence for those claims.”
                    Your reply to me was basically “look it up yourself”, which is not how the burden of proof works.

                    Lmao. I’m losing braincells here lol.

                    Some of you behave so chronically online. Get a life.

                    It’s always projection…