Robert Downey Jr is the obvious case of a person who had a redemption arc, to simplify it he was a promising actor that got addicted to drugs, fell off, went to rehab and then became a huge hollywood big stsr known, even known for being Iron Man.

What real life person had a redemption arc?

  • RheingoldRiver
    22 years ago

    For anyone who has followed League of Legends esports since the very very beginning, doublelift. There was a subreddit called /r/doubleliftstrophycase that sat empty for YEARS because he never managed to win anything despite trash-talking everyone in the scene (and admittedly a lot of individual talent). But then he started winning, and he didn’t stop winning. He’s now without question the most storied player in North America, and people refer to him as “the main character of the LCS.” A true legend.

    • barnyard_noise
      12 years ago



      perhaps similar to LoL, there are several valorant teams/ players that have seen redemption arcs. I’d argue paper rex have gone from “W gaming trolls” to “W gaming trolls with a method to their madness” placing 3rd at Tokyo with a sub! I think Forsaken has demonstrated that he’s a very diverse player—and does it all well.