Y’all, this is why you need to vote, including your local races. All an ideology like this needs to grow is fertile ground, a propaganda apparatus to spread it, and a willing legislature.

Vote like your lives depend on it, vote like your families’ and friends’ lives depend on it, because it very well might.

  • For the 2024 presidential election:

    The last day to register to vote in order to cast a ballot is Oct 7

    In order to apply for ballot by mail, the form must be received by Oct 25

    In-person voting is from Oct 21- Nov 1 (check the website for times for your local polling places, by law they must be open for 9 hours M-F of the first week and at least 12 hours M-F the second week with some polling places open on the weekends).

    Final day to vote in person is Nov 5

    Ballots by mail must be postmarked by 7 PM on Nov 5.

    Important dates: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/important-election-dates.shtml

    Check Voter Registration, apply for Ballot by mail, find your polling places, and other information about elections here
