I asked if people chose iPhone for the blue bubbles elsewhere a couple days ago, and while there was some good discourse on that post, the blue bubbles definitely also came up as a reason.
In my experience, when people find out my texts are green, they oftentimes would rather switch to a different platform altogether like Instagram or just not text at all.
Is this actually a deal-breaker in friendships out there?
So what do you answer when they react like that? What is their explanation? What is the problem exactly?
I explain my reasons above. It just gobsmacks people that I would choose green bubbles when I could have blue. I didn’t realize it was such an issue for people, I only have an iPhone because my partner is very into having the latest apple gadgets and he gave me a hand me down, then started upgrading mine when he would get his new one. He’s the only person I actually text from the phone itself, I’m sure his deep concern over my green bubbles was why he gave me the phone in the first place.