Okay so yesterday, I changed my password as a precaution because of the hack, and just now I decided to clean my browser tabs and re login and almost forgot my password. I’m done dealing with passwords.
What password manager do you recommend?
Features I’m looking for
-Open Source
-Can be synced to cloud (I don’t want self host)
-Can be accessed via a browser
-Cross platform, the more platforms, the better
-End to End Encrypted, and Encrypted at rest on my device, also need some way to authenticate before releasing the password, like a pin or biometrics
-Autofill for browser and apps
-Free (can be a freemium model, but I need the base tier to be free, too broke to spend money on this lol)
-Can export the passwords to a file
I never used a password manager before so sorry if I seem like a noob.
I know I could google it, but I want the lastest info, not some outdated reddit post.
Edit: Woah, those replies are fast. I think I’ll use Bitwarden. Thanks for recommendations! Now I don’t need to worry about forgetting passwords anymore. 😄
Edit 2: It seems I’ve forgotten my email password as well as a few other accounts I haven’t logged into for a while. Damn, should’ve used a password manager earlier.
I’ll say maybe Bitwarden checks all of that.
I love Bitwarden! The $10/yr subscription is totally worth it too.
Can someone sell me on the subscription? I don’t mind paying for it because that’s really cheap but I don’t really understand what exactly it offers. I’ve been using the free version of Bitwarden for years now.
I mostly paid for it to support the team and to be able to use a security key since I feel thats a must for cloud password managers also the added reports and storage space was a plus. I never used the totp generator though for security purposes and relied on a second device for that
Illl be watching this too - I have bitwarden, managed - but I don’t use a subscription currently.
Having my TOTP in bitwarden was worth the $10/year for me
So does that essentially replace Google/Microsoft authenticator?
Further: Is there a downside to using Google Authenticator?
With the new account sync they finally added I dont think so but I’m pretty sure theres no end to end encryption for the totp seeds. However since the majority of people already trust google that probably wont matter to them. Although they do have a barcode generator to export your seeds to another google autheticator app (and some 3rd party apps support it) afaik, it lacks an export feature to backup the seeds offline
I’m assuming Google takeout will allow you to export them since Google now backs them up for you, but I haven’t tried.
Yeah basically just make sure to export your vault as a backup
I specifically pay them because the money I’m giving them is put (mostly) directly into open source client/server components that benefit everyone at the end of the day, not just myself or the company but “humanity” in general.
If Bitwarden (the org) disappeared tomorrow, we would all still have access to really high quality software that someone could continue to push forward/develop and I appreciate that confidence and trust that they put forward.
I personally got it for the reports of duplicated or leaked passwords to make it easier for me to find and update all of my old, bad passwords.
Agreed, I’ve been using it for about 6 years after moving from iOS to Android and its great, fits all the points required by OP.
I’m using it since doing the opposite and it works great on iOS. Not sure if it was different a while ago but you can set it as your auto fill password manager.
I was just relying on keychain whilst on iOS and made me realise after migration I needed something that was platform agnostic.
Yep I’ve been using it for a while and it’s great. The Firefox extension is a bit broken tho, as it keeps asking to save passwords which are already saved and there’s no way to turn it off.
Another +1 for bitwarden, been using it for years without sub but I could see it being worth it.
Bitwarden definitely checks all of that.
100% Bitwarden
Also been using this for several years and can concur, simple, easy-to-use, never let me down.
Throwing in for Bitwarden. Works across all my devices and I’m only using the free version.
Bitwarden user here for years, it fits everything you’re asking for , OP
Yep bitwarden is the best
Have been very happy with Bitwarden after ditching Lastpass.