It’s just my humble opinion, but I’m not a fan of the new look to have the score and arrows visible on the main page. I feel like it’s too easy to vote and move on and not truly interact with the post.

Also, the numbers play an immediate influence in whether you want to check the post out or not. It’s too easy to make a snap judgement and I feel like it reduces engagement overall.

Just my thoughts. Would love to hear others as well!

  • Bad_Company_Daps
    22 years ago

    Personally I disagree, I use small card view and for short posts I can read all the information on it without having to open it. Especially for posts with low engagement like for example a new ‘asklemmy’ post, the question might be interesting but no comments, so I’ll upvote hoping to increase the visibility and hopefully have someone answer the post. Hiding the vote buttons would reduce engagement overall which at this point in time with a low population engagement needs to be made as fast and as easy as possible to encourage it