So im about to get a new laptop, its no the best but it will be diffrent, currently i have a desktop so a laptop i will be able to move around with.

Its a windows laptop with 12gb of ram, 250 storage, so im hoping its good becasue i got this laptop on the cheaper end becasue its refurbished acording to amazon.

anyways what are some of the first things to do with a laptop besides setting it up and what are some cool uses, i have some ideas on how i might use the laptop but i want to hear what yall have to say.

    42 years ago

    Depends on what your interests are. If it was me I might write something, or pirate Sony Vegas pro and edit a video, or download some movies to watch, or work on a project of some sort that requires a computer, or just watch some YouTube videos in bed on a screen bigger than my phone for once.