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    • Very_Bad_Janet
      22 years ago

      So, how do you download and use PDFs from Anna’s Archive or a similar site? Do you download it to a computer that you just use for downloads, then scan the file using Virus Total, then read only on that computer? (I usually read on my phone using Overdrive, just trying to figure out the safest way as a newbie).

        2 years ago

        Personally I DL on a Linux machine and then upload to virus total. If they are clean, then I transfer them to an old android tablet without internet access for reading. If I was reading them on the machine I’d open them in a linux VM, either alpine or fedora silverblue with network aceess disabled.

        The state of the art is qubes OS that has a tool to neuter a PDF by taking screenshots and building a new PDF in different VMs.

            2 years ago

            If it works by opening it in a sandbox then taking screenshots or printing it back to a new PDF. It should be good.

            Edit: just read the github and it works exactly like this

            12 years ago

            Ah I forgot about that. I remember when Micah Lee started that years ago and posted about it on twitter.

            I must give it a try and see how it performs. Thanks for the reminder